My Story
I have been learning and practicing within the medical profession since 2012, graduating as a nurse in France. I started my career in oncology (the study of cancer) gravitating towards end of life care where one takes care of the patient, not a disease.
Here, I affirmed my belief that medicine and wellness is a multi-faceted practice and often found the attention given towards a patient, their family–– focusing on all the holistic elements of their life can be a bigger relief than any pill prescribed.
In 2016, I moved from my home region to Paris where I worked as an at-home nurse with a roster of over 30 clients per day. I loved meeting my patients in their homes, mainly elderly people, who changed my definition of the word caregiver. It was a humbling time of being both a student and teacher. Within the period of time I studied and developed my bodywork skills in magnetism, energy and hypnotism.
My new adventure is one towards wellness as a whole and takes place in the wonderful Okanagan region where I settled with my husband , who is from the Similkameen, last summer. Bringing with me a range of modalities I have learnt abroad, and continuously enriching my professional knowledge, I offer you a break, a moment for you, for your wellness and well-being.